I'm super excited to tell you that I have been selected as one of 50 international artists in the on-line exhibition run by the Manhattan Arts International Gallery in New York. It is an honour to be represented by the Gallery and to have my work sit alongside such amazing talent. This has definitely made my week!
See the following links:

“For “The Healing Power of Color” exhibition artists from around the world submitted images and statements about how and why they use color to enhance healing and a sense of well-being to viewers. We received many excellent works of art and my final choices were based on visual impact, artistic skills and how well the art fit the theme. I evaluated how the artists applied the interrelationships, chromatic and tonal ranges of color and the clarity of their written statements. I also visited their websites to see if the artists have cohesive artistic visions and professional credentials.” ~ Renée Phillips, curator and founder/director of The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS